About the OPIASO
The OPIASO is an organization made up of manufacturers, agencies, associations, and wholesalers generally in the plumbing industry. The object of the OPIASO is to assist the Executive and the Annual Meeting and Education Seminar (AMES) Committee at the AMES of the Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association with the financial burden of various activities that may be conducted and to add to the social relaxation and enjoyment of the delegates at the AMES.
Why Join Us
Build Network
Members can meet with Plumbing Inspectors from across Ontario and other industry members for the entire duration of the AMES
Get Informed
The Cracker Barrel is a great technical session where members can generically discuss how their product or service relates to the OBC
Promote Business
Members are entitled to exclusively advertise their products or services in the OPIA Bulletin which is published quarterly