About the OPIASO

The Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association Sponsors Organization (OPIASO) is an organization made up of manufacturers, agencies, associations, and wholesalers generally in the plumbing industry. The object of the OPIASO is to assist the Executive and the Annual Meeting and Education Seminar (AMES) Committee at the AMES of the Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association with the financial burden of various activities that may be conducted and to add to the social relaxation and enjoyment of the delegates at the AMES. This allows the Executive and AMES Committee more freedom to devote their efforts to conducting the meetings in such a manner to promote improved plumbing regulations, standardization of materials and the interchange of knowledge to the various aspects of our industry.

The elected OPIASO Board of Trustees meets several times throughout the year to plan for the upcoming AMES events. It also meets with the local AMES Committee to help coordinate facilities and the program as the AMES moves to different municipalities from year to year.

What We Do

Funding for the events the OPIASO sponsors comes from annual membership dues. All members are entitled to and encouraged to participate in the events. The events that are either fully or partially funded by the OPIASO are:

  • Annual Gary Grieg Golf Classic

  • Reunion Party

  • Table Top Trade Show

  • Monday Evening Entertainment

  • Cracker Barrel Session.     
golfers, group

Why Join Us

All of these events give the OPIASO members a great opportunity to meet with Plumbing Inspectors from across Ontario and other industry members for the entire duration of the AMES. The trade show is an excellent time for members to discuss products or services they provide. The Cracker Barrel is a great technical session where members can generically discuss how their product or service relates to the OBC. The inspectors are always keen to learn about something new or even just refresh what they already know. The golf, reunion party and Monday entertainment are great social events that allow members to get to know the inspectors on a more personal basis. As such, personal relationships are developed that are very beneficial to both the members and the inspectors for years to come.

OPIASO members are also entitled to exclusively advertise their products or services in the OPIA Bulletin which is published quarterly. Members are also encouraged to write articles for the Bulletin about their products or services and how they relate to the OBC.