Question: 13-24 | Code Section: 7 | Date: 9 November 2009 | OBC 2012 Reference: |
Question Submitted: What are the (if any) requirements for a commercial/ICI non-residential water flow for a water closet, urinal and lavatory. As it looks in the upcoming January 1st, 2014 printing our code does not give actual litres, just that the CBO will determine the flow. Is this correct?
Interpretation: No, this is not correct. According to the 2012 Building Code, for new buildings of non-residential occupancy, fixtures must conform to the following: Plumbing Fixtures
(1) Water closets and urinals shall be certified to CAN/CSA-B45.0, “General Requirements for Plumbing Fixtures”.
(2) Except as provided in Sentence (3), the flush cycle for each fixture that is a water closet or urinal shall not exceed the maximum water consumption per flush cycle listed for that fixture in Table (See Appendix A.)
Table Maximum Water Consumption per Flush Cycle for Sanitary Fixtures
Forming Part of Sentence
Fixture | Maximum Water Consumption per Flush Cycle, LPF |
Water Closet (Tank Type) | 6 |
Water Closet (Direct Flush) | 6 |
Urinal (Tank Type) | 1.9(1) |
Urinal (Direct Flush) | 1.9(1) |
Column 1 | 2 |
Notes to Table
(1) Urinals equipped with automatic flushing devices shall be controlled to prevent unnecessary flush cycles during building down time. *The following will apply to existing buildings. Plumbing Fixtures
(4) Sentences (2) and (3) do not apply to a fixture located in an existing building where the chief building official is satisfied that compliance with the requirement is impracticable because of maintenance or operational difficulties.