13-18 Gang trapping pedicure chairs

Question: 13-18Code Section: 7Date: 2 October 2013OBC 2006 Reference:

Question Submitted: Does the code permit the use of gang trapping for fixtures such as “pedicure chairs”. The reasoning for asking this question is that if shower drains (which discharge a comparable type of waste) are allowed to be gang trapped, then why not pedicure chairs? As per

Interpretation: Pedicure chairs did not make the list so the code answer is no. (3) Traps for Sanitary Drainage Systems
One trap may serve a group of floor drains and hub drains, a group of shower drains, a group of washing machines or a group of laboratory sinks if the fixtures,
(a) are in the same room, and
(b) are not located where they can receive food or other organic matter.