09-01 Detergent dispenser air gaps

Question: 09-01Code Section: 7Date: 23 January 2009OBC 2006 Reference:,,, 7.7.1.

Question: Re: Detergent (chemical) dispenser Air Gaps. Many of these dispensers incorporate a manufactured air gap. The manufacturers call them air gaps and not vacuum breakers. Article does not list any CSA Standard for air gaps. Are these air gaps required to comply with any standard?

Interpretation: Yes, refer to Articles,, and 7.7.1 may also apply.

Air gaps in equipment and other products are covered and approved by the testing agency and must comply with their standards before approval. Such a device or piece of equipment incorporates a means of cross connection control that the device or equipment should be certified or conform to some type of standard. The CSA B64.10 standard referenced states in 3.1.1 that an air gap shall be installed in accordance with the local Plumbing or Building Code.

Interpretation: Approved at AMES 2009