Question: 04-49 | Code Section: | Date: | OBC Reference: |
I have a concern with the message we are sending to the membership regarding the temperature issue. On page 27 of the Nov/Dec issue of the Bulletin concerns are raised as to how temperature control is achieved with the recommendation to reduce the water temperature at the source in lieu of lowering the temperature at the hot water heater yet at the back of the issue there is an advertisement for an instant hot water dispenser that maintains water temperatures near the boiling point. As stated above: what kind of message are we sending the membership?
(On. Reg 403/97) In defence of our sponsor, there is nothing in the code that prohibits, restricts or limits the installation of this appliance except for some differing interpretations. We definitely need to educate ourselves and our membership on this topic and what better way than to have this controversy in the forefront. The Ministry has offered opinion on this matter recommending that the dispenser not be installed over a fixture and that they be redesigned so as not to look like a faucet but they did not say the dispenser was limited to the 49C rule.
We as inspectors must be aware and informed of all product and installation guidelines and based on that information and the intent of the code we can make informed decisions.
The fact that you are asking these questions are in actuality making us all better inspectors.
Note: Please refer to Q04-37 for the Code Technical Committee answer to the installation of these dispensers.
Interpretation: Approved at AMES